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类 :

Constructors and destructors


public string Describe()


public Car()


public Car()


public Car(string color)
    this.color = color;


public Car()
    Console.WriteLine("Constructor with no parameters called!");

public Car(string color) : this()
    this.color = color;
    Console.WriteLine("Constructor with color parameter called!");

If you run this code, you will see that the constructor with no parameters is called first. This can be used for instantiating various objects for the class in the default constructor, which can be called from other constructors from the class. If the constructor you wish to call takes parameters, you can do that as well. Here is a simple example:

public Car(string color) : this()
    this.color = color;
    Console.WriteLine("Constructor with color parameter called!");

public Car(string param1, string param2) : this(param1)




C#有自动垃圾回收功能,意思是当你不再使用某些对象时,系统会自动释放它们使用的内存. 有时候你可能需要一些定制化的清理动作, 这就是析构函数的作用. 它是当对象不再使用时被调用的函数, 会清理对象所占用的资源. 析构函数和C#中的其他方法看起来不太一样.下面的例子是我们定义的类Car的析构函数:


Once the object is collected by the garbage collector, this method is called.

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