Localization Status: Persian (fa)

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Top translators
  1. 1. User #1018 ?
  2. 2. User #3356 ?
  3. 3. User #4536 ?
Article/Chapter Progress
Getting started
100% complete
Visual Studio Community
100% complete
Hello, world!
100% complete
Hello world explained
44% complete
The Basics
20% complete
Data types Not started
Code Comments Not started
Control Structures
The if statement Not started
The switch statement Not started
Loops Not started
Introduction to C# classes Not started
Fields Not started
Properties Not started
Methods (functions) Not started
Method parameters Not started
Constructors and destructors Not started
Method overloading Not started
Visibility Not started
Static members Not started
Inheritance Not started
Abstract classes Not started
More abstract classes Not started
Interfaces Not started
Namespaces Not started
Constants (the const keyword) Not started
Partial Classes Not started
Local functions Not started
Arrays Not started
Lists Not started
Dictionaries Not started
Data types
Introduction Not started
9% complete
Integers Not started
Floating points Not started
The Char type Not started
Strings Not started
Working with Dates & Time Not started
Nullable types Not started
Implicitly typed variables (the var keyword) Not started
The dynamic Type Not started
The ExpandoObject Not started
Anonymous Types Not started
Introduction Not started
Comparison operators Not started
Increment/decrement operators Not started
Addition assignment operators Not started
The NULL coalescing operator Not started
The String Interpolation Operator Not started
Introduction Not started
LINQ: Query Syntax vs. Method syntax Not started
Filtering data: the Where() method Not started
Sorting data: the OrderBy() & ThenBy() methods Not started
Limiting data: the Take() & Skip() methods Not started
Data transformations: the Select() method Not started
Grouping data: the GroupBy() Method Not started
Working with Culture & Regions
Introduction Not started
Application Culture & UICulture Not started
The CultureInfo class Not started
The RegionInfo class Not started
Regular Expressions (Regex)
Introduction Not started
Searching with the Regex Class Not started
Search/Replace with the Regex Class Not started
Regex Modifiers Not started
Randomness with the Random class Not started
Starting applications with the Process class Not started
Introduction to debugging Not started
Breakpoints Not started
Stepping through the code Not started
The tool windows Not started
Advanced breakpoints Not started
Advanced topics
Enumerations Not started
Exception handling Not started
Structs Not started
Introduction to XML with C#
100% complete
Reading XML with the XmlReader class
10% complete
Reading XML with the XmlDocument class Not started
Working with the XmlNode class Not started
Using XPath with the XmlDocument class Not started
Writing XML with the XmlWriter class Not started
Writing XML with the XmlDocument class Not started
C# 3.0
Introduction to C# 3.0 Not started
Automatic properties Not started
Object Initializers Not started
Collection Initializers Not started
Extension Methods Not started
File handling
Reading and writing files Not started
Manipulating files and directories Not started
File and directory information Not started
Data Streams
Introduction Not started
MemoryStream Not started
Reflection introduction Not started
The right Type Not started
Instantiating a class Not started
A Reflection based settings class Not started
Table of Contents