This article is currently in the process of being translated into Albanian (~38% done).

Getting started:


Miresevini ne C# Tutorial. Me prezentimin e .Net Framework, Microsoft-i perfshiu nje gjuhe te re te quajtur C#(shqiptohet si sharp). C# eshte dizajnuar qe te jete gjuhe programuese e thjeshte, moderne, shume-perdorimesh, e orientuar ne objekte, duke marre konceptet themelore nga disa gjuhe te tjera, me se shumti nga Java.

C# could theoretically be compiled to machine code, but in real life, it's always used in combination with the .NET framework. Therefore, applications written in C#, requires the .NET framework to be installed on the computer running the application. While the .NET framework makes it possible to use a wide range of languages, C# is sometimes referred to as THE .NET language, perhaps because it was designed together with the framework.

C# is an Object Oriented language and does not offer global variables or functions. Everything is wrapped in classes, even simple types like int and string, which inherit from the System.Object class.

Ne kapitujt ne vijim, ju do udhehiqeni neper temat me te rendesishme rreth C#.